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Using the method FOREL for detachment significantly different groups of bees

Lidia Kolbina, Sofia Nepeivoda, Antonina Nepeivoda
XlVI Naukova konferencja pszczelarska, Pulawe, 10-11 marca 2009. P.38-39

    In the research process we faced the problem of the division of bee-families into significantly different groups. To our purpose we used the FOREL method of taxonomy, which had been written on the programming language C++. Taxonomy was conducted in the 14-dimensional space.
    As a results, under r=0,1 we managed to detach the three basic types of bees, which include 90,43% of bee-families (table 1). The first, the largest, type (α) included 61,70% of bee-families, the second (β) — 18,09%, and the third (γ) — 10,64%.

Table 1.
Distribution of bee-families into groups according to the method FOREL with r=0,1
РarameterType αType βType γ
Х ± mSХ ± mSХ ± mS
Proboscis length, mm6,11 ± 0,0200,2206,30 ± 0,0410,2416,15 ± 0,0390,229
Width of third tergite, mm4,94 ± 0,0150,1634,93 ± 0,0230,1364,92 ± 0,0230,132
Length of third tergite, mm2,07 ± 0,0050,0552,06 ± 0,0090,0512,08 ± 0,0060,035
Number of hooks21,80 ± 0,0830,89221,38 ± 0,1350,79019,08 ± 0,1801,050
Width of front wings, mm3,18 ± 0,0090,0933,16 ± 0,0180,1063,20 ± 0,0130,073
Length of front wings, mm9,28 ± 0,0200,2209,28 ± 0,0400,2329,40 ± 0,0410,237
Cubital index, %57,66 ± 0,3754,03746,45 ± 0,4442,58759,92 ± 0,5243,058
Tarsal index, %56,42 ± 0,1912,05456,35 ± 0,4022,34157,65 ± 0,3682,146

    Although the average values of different types were similar, further inquiry made it clear that in type β was predominance of the bee-families of southern races and their hybrids of first and second generations. Type γ unified bee-families, which conservated the characteristics of Apis mellifera mellifera race. Type α contained of the hybrids of third and following generations.

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